Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know I will achieve my goals?
- The Development Plan is a customized document which captures the Goals and Objectives of the client and the coaching engagement. It outlines the general flow of the engagement
- The plan begins in the first meeting and is established once foundational self-assessments and online interpretive assessments have been completed and discussed in coaching meetings.
- Essential to achieving the Development Plan is Forwarding Action at the end of each meeting and an Accountability Check-In at the beginning of meetings.
- Susan Gurnik is highly flexible yet very strategic. This leads to a coaching engagement which is Structured yet also has the Flexibility to revise and customize as appropriate for the needs of the client.
What Will We Do In Coaching?
- Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and client. The client has the answers within; coaching allows the client to find that wisdom.
- Skill development occurs through combination of assessment interpretations/debriefs, coaching, client forwarding action items and consulting support.
- Consulting involves conveying information such principles and competencies of developmental areas such as emotional intelligence or personal brand. Consulting advice and written resources are available to support the client in development of LinkedIn/Resume/Networking verbiage.
- Strategic Gain has various coaching tools and processes to support the client in making substantial and sustained changes.
- Which tools are utilized is dependent upon client goals and the development plan. See Coaching Tools and Processes for a list of some methods Strategic Gain uses to support the client in reaching goals.
Coaching Tools and Processes Available to Clients
Core Energy Coaching
- Discover what blocks are keeping us from reaching success. A shift in perspective and attitude.
- Based upon philosophy that “We Attract what we Radiate”
- Susan Gurnik holds an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner certification to administer Energy Leadership Index assessment
Strengths Based Coaching
- Develop innate Talents into formidable Strengths; prevent talents from going to Dark Side
- What creates success is not a magical set of Strengths but the ability to understand and fully leverage our strengths.
- Gallup Trained to administer Gallup StrengthsFinder 2.0
Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence is much more than being able to read other or being self-aware. It involves the ability to express ourselves, maintain relationships, cope with stress and confidence.
- Measure and improve emotional intelligence in five key areas, Self-Perception, Self-Expression, Interpersonal, Decision Making, Stress Management and fifteen sub-competencies
- Certified to administer EQii 2.0
Communication Behavioral Style
- Recognize and adapt your style to the preferred behavioral/communication style of co-workers.
- Some people place priorities on tasks while others are more people focused. Individuals may prefer a faster-paced, direct communication style while others prefer a more deliberative and less direct style.
- Susan Gurnik is trained and licensed to administer the DiSC instruments
Blind Spots and 360 instruments
- We all have blind spots; aspects of ourselves which we are unaware. Knowledge of these blind spots supports an informed foundation for development plan
- How do others see you? We are not always as self-aware as we think. A 360 instrument gathers information online from individuals throughout your sphere: boss, associates, direct-reports, indirect-reports, customers and others. The online tool uses assessment type questions combined with a few open-ended questions.
- Susan Gurnik is certified to administer several different 360 instruments.
Leadership and Team Building
- Teams are complex organizations comprised of complex individuals. Creating a whole which is magnitudes more impactful than the individuals requires strong leadership skills and understanding of team dynamics.
- Five Behaviors of Cohesive Teams is a team coaching program built upon the model that trust is the foundation of any team and from there the team can build 2, 3, 4, and 5. Many are familiar with this model which was laid out by Leoni in his book entitled Five Dysfunctions of Teams.
- Customized Team Coaching engagements are developed using at least one assessment tool as the building block for the coaching.
- Susan Gurnik is licensed to administer the Five Behaviors of Cohesive Teams program which is based upon the Leoni team model and the DiSC instrument and.
Personal Brand
- Paint Your Box; Develop Personal Brand for Professional Reputation, Networking Elevator Speech, LinkedIn/Resume
- Authenticity is a magnet for attracting connections and opportunities which are in alignment with your goals and desires.
- Strategic Gain Process consists of Personal Brand Interview combined with Assessment Interpretations. This is a Coach and Client collaboration and uses a combination of consulting/recommendations and coaching/client-driven solution approaches.
Career Transition Insight
- Creating a career aligned with your authentic self is essential for a phenomenal life. Learn to shift your focus from should’s and could’s to WANTS
- Explore career options from perspective of (1) personality fit (2) subject area interest (3) empirical data
- Susan Gurnik is certified to administer Strong Interest Inventory
Other Assessments?
Other assessments that are available through established Strategic Gain associates are
- Myers Brigg
- Birkman
- PI – Predictive Index
- Hoffman